
Skateboard Coaching Commission Resources Announcement

Written by Niall Neeson

With the end of March coming into view and a turning point reached in the Road To Paris 2024, we thought it would be a good opportunity to turn our attention to the work of the Skateboard Coaching Commission (SBCC) so far.

The SBCC  was formed 18 months ago from a volunteering request for expressions of interest in becoming part of a project to elevate and professionalise coaching standards in international skateboarding.

The World Skate SBCC - Sharne Jacobs, Alex Wolf, Amber Edmondson, Chris Curran, Cristiano Mateus Alain Goikoetxea, Kenny Reed, Lea Schairer, Sean Hayes, and our SB Coaching Development Manager James Karageorgiou - immediately set about  building a strategy to establish best practice, raise baseline standards in skateboard coaching and align all the National Federations (NFs) who make up World Skate’s membership.

John Magnusson WST Street WCH OQS Dubai Bryce Kanights 5

Within the year they were in a position to unveil a three-tiered strategy which would in effect tackle three pillars:

  • The creation of an accreditation framework, shaped by codes of conduct and  a regulatory body responsible for the calibration and endorsement of courses and providers.
  • Secondly, delivery of programs, workshops and mentoring  in liaison with NFs, through the identification of educational gaps .
  • Thirdly, a diverse and inclusive community-building within the coaching sphere via international coaching conferences, awarding excellence and developing a wellbeing programme specifically for coaches.

With WST Dubai playing host to most federations within World Skate, it represented the perfect opportunity to present the Coach Education and Accreditation System (CEAS), a detailed plan for how the first pillar of the SBCC’s strategy will be fulfilled. 

ceas meet

The CEAS  is the mechanism through which World Skate will ensure minimum standards are identified  to promote best practice within the world of international skateboard coaching.

You can read all relevant documents pertaining to the operation of the system and how it will be rolled out by accessing this dedicated resource link to the World Skate website- and feel free to contact us via Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. with any questions or input which you might have!