
Garrett Hill and Renton Millar's Judging Criteria Explainer Videos

Written by Niall Neeson

Let Garrett Hill and Renton Millar talk you through what our judges are looking for at each of our World Skate contests as we take a deeper dive into what moves the needle in the world of competitive skateboarding.


Alongside our continually updated Judging Education Youtube Channel, our aim is to help all our skateboarders, coaches and governing bodies better understand how scores are collectively formulated constantly throughout the World Skateboarding Tour and beyond.


Click on the videos above to learn more about how scores are formulated by our judging panels as Head Judges Garrett Hill (Street) and Renton Millar (Park) break down the criteria which are applied at all World Skate events on our schedule!

As always, any questions just hit us up on Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. and we will come right back to you!