
World Skate’s International Skateboard Judging Certification: Testing Registration Opens

Written by Niall Neeson

Following on from our July 2024 announcement of the World Skate Judging Certification Program, we are pleased to announce the first round of our examinations aimed at developing our skateboard judging pool at all levels from National to Olympic.

The process is designed to evelauate and progress excellent judges through the strata established at the creation of the International Skateboarding Judging Commission back in 2022.

The program aims to include judges from all continents, represent diverse cultures, and contribute to the growth of competitive skateboarding and skateboard judging.

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Registration for the first online evaluation sessions is done by National Federations and all relevant information including entrance criteria and how to host seminars may be found on the bulletin attached to this hyperlink.

Anyone wishing to study the building blocks of skateboard judging should of course be aware of our Fundamentals Of Skateboard Judging e-series which you can find here as well as our meticulous Event Judging Recaps which can be found here.

Any questions as always should be directed to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. from where we will get back to you forthwith!