Now, if you watched any of our post- Tokyo skateboarding contests in either Italy this summer past or in the UAE just last month you can’t have failed to notice that female skateboarding has quickly become arguably the most exciting thing happening in the culture worldwide right now.
Not only is the girls’ scene progressing rapidly as a result, but it is changing the face of skateboarding itself as well. Without seeking permission or validation from the boys who have traditionally dominated skateboarding, sisters are doing it for themselves- from brands to events, sponsorship to media.
World Skate have developed a twin-track strategy to develop not only roles but pathways for women in skateboarding to both flourish and inspire.
Elsewhere on the blog you will be able to read about how World Skate have been able to avail of IOC/ Olympic Solidarity initiatives to enrol current female skate coaches from Italy, South Africa and Argentina onto the WISH (Women In Sport High-Performance Pathway) Programme, but right now we would like to celebrate the sterling work that Natalia Sanchez of the Gender Equality Commission has done in helping establish grassroots programmes for female skaters around the globe, too.
You may recall that we interviewed Natalia about the inaugural Women In Skateboarding Technical Course back in her native Argentina this time last year; in the interim she has also overseen symposia training female skaters in rudiments of event management, skate coaching, first aid and funding in Mexico, Uganda, Colombia, South Africa and most recently Peru, from where the photographs accompanying this article emanate.
With access to the Peruvian Olympic Committee’s facilities, the organisers were able to deliver what Natalia herself describes as:
“Five days of learning; five days to recognise the fundamental role that women in the American continent have played as agents of social change over the years, (and aiming) to generate growth in women's participation in the skateboarding scene.”
If this sound like the kind of event which you would like to host in order to develop similar roles, pathways and best practice for female participation in skateboarding where you live, why not do as Argentina, South Africa, Mexico, Uganda and Peru already have done, and have your NGB reach out to us at World Skate about making it happen where you are?
Judging from the feedback of all involved so far, each symposium has delivered real impact in the host country in which it has taken place.
Enjoy the photos from Peru and get inspired!